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| \ _ ._  _.   
Dude your screen
 is too small,
get a new phone


echo "Subject: Hey Davide :)" | sendmail [email protected]


LGBTQ+ rights activist 🏳️‍🌈, GNU/Linux lover 🐧, Kotlin and Python fan. Hacker 👨‍💻 (for some definition of the word).
"Stacca, stacca!"

See also

blog(), github(), stackoverflow-developer-story(), mastodon(), linkedin(), email()

Full resume available upon request.

Featured projects

Wi-Se: Software / Hardware

Ever felt too lazy to get your butt off the chair, grab your laptop and your USB to UART adapter to go and see why the last kernel update made your single-board computer not boot?

Wi-Se helps you keep those extra calories on your hips by making UART wireless!

I designed a set of boards that snap onto the major SBCs and routers so that you can leave them inside the device's enclosure. When they don't boot, just connect to them with ttyc ;)

LevIoT: Software / Hardware

LevIoT is a replacement PCB + firmware based on ESP32 for my Levoit air purifier.

It adds the ability to control it over Wi-Fi, over MQTT. It also has Homie support so it works great with openHAB.

See my talk about it (in Italian) for POuL.


Write GNU/Linux live ISO images from your Android device, no root required.

More on GitHub and on my blog .

Support my projects

This website


Source code is on GitLab .
Licensed under the MIT license.
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